How to find your purpose in life is a topic that never seems to go out of style.

There are countless articles and books written on this subject, and it’s definitely something my patients want to know how to do. And when I discovered the power of tapping into Heart, I realized how important this was to finding purpose.

But first let me explain what I mean by the power of Heart. I now know that Heart can’t be broken. Your brain thinks that your heart can be broken or that it’s weak and fragile, but that’s not true. It’s your heart that steps forth when everything else fails. Heart picks you upgets things done, moves you forward and keeps you going. Heart does this even when it seems impossible (one reason why you need Heart to find your purpose).

Our brain-first culture shapes how we talk and think about Heart, so heart metaphors often paint a portrait of vulnerability. We speak of heartache and heartbreak. Scary situations are heart-stopping. We cry uncle with, “My heart can’t take it!” But these fears aren’t accurate. Even the most brain-first people often refer to Heart when they’re emphasizing something central about themselves or their experience that’s often not obvious to brain.

You get to the heart of the matter, you know in your heart, wish for your heart’s desire, and have heart-to-heart conversations.

You’re open-hearted and adore underdogs who play with heart. You take note when the heart wants what it wants, because you trust your heartYou put your heart and soul into something. You have a change of heart when you arrive at an unexpected, independent and pivotal decision.

The truth is, Heart has always been a central part of us and what we call on for the important stuff. But sometimes your heart gets buried, like mine was. If you’re having a hard time finding your way to Heart, just ask yourself “what would heart do?”– and do that. Doing that thing, whatever it is, will land you in Heart.

Your heart is the best tool to use to find your purpose because Heart chooses purpose based on internal influences like passion, joy, love, meaning, and willingness to sacrifice. Heart points to who you actually are rather that who you’re ‘supposed’ to be. If you want to find your purpose, tapping into Heart is how you’ll find what really matters to you. And Heart reminds you to be okay with not knowing or maybe being wrong along the way.

Heart also knows that your purpose, your big thing (or things) is specific to you. Depending on the person, it might be developing an app for simplifying travel or it could be raising a family. For many of us it’s more than one thing, and that’s where life gets full and challenging. What is your “big thing” here? Your big thing changes over time, and if it doesn’t that’s rare or based in fear.

When you decide that it’s time to end something, that’s also a Heart thing.

Ask yourself in Heart, “Does what I do still fulfill me?” Heart is unafraid of change and will offer up your truth, as the “Heart of the matter.” Sometimes your big thing is still offering you satisfaction, wonder and fulfillment. Other times, due to new shifts within yourself, you’ll want to change course, and Heart says that you can. You might shift from raising kids to getting a promotion, or from making money to making art.

And keep in mind that what is most meaningful to you is often part of everyday life, instead of some grand gesture. It’s feeding the one dog who loves and needs you, not saving all the hungry dogs in the world.

Finding purpose in your life is about being present, connecting and being seen despite any fear you might have. It’s the opposite of hiding. But your heart wants to be seen and knows that trying something new isn’t life threatening. So start tapping into the power of Heart if you want to find your purpose

Heartfelt wishes,

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